Renovation Realities

My husband and I have been married for a little over year now, and we just bought our first place in Miami FL. We want to share our renovation journey with family, friends, and whoever else is interested in this kind of thing. I'll be documenting the details along the way. Starting from day one of demolition and ending when we are finally settled into a beautiful new home. Our goal is approximately a 2 month period until we are in the house, but only time will tell if that dream will be a reality.

Wish us luck!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Things are really coming together and it's starting to look like a home! We have made a lot of progress the past two weeks. It started with the installation of the kitchen tile, then the cleaning up of the landscape, and the draining and resurfacing of the pool.  Then one of the most exciting things was watching the installation of the three sets of french doors and the demolition of the master bathroom this afternoon. 

Tomorrow they will be tenting the house to get rid of all those pesky little insects. That will take 5 days away from the rest of the work unfortunately, but it will obviously be well worth it.  There is still a long list before we will be able to move in, but we can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel now!
Here are some updated pictures that I took this afternoon:

what remains of our master bathroom shower...

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