Renovation Realities

My husband and I have been married for a little over year now, and we just bought our first place in Miami FL. We want to share our renovation journey with family, friends, and whoever else is interested in this kind of thing. I'll be documenting the details along the way. Starting from day one of demolition and ending when we are finally settled into a beautiful new home. Our goal is approximately a 2 month period until we are in the house, but only time will tell if that dream will be a reality.

Wish us luck!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Home Stretch..

Things have been moving so fast over at the house these past two weeks, that I didn't even have time to put in any updates! So I'll try to catch you up with what has been going down at the Arnold casa...

The master bath has started to take shape.. all the tile has been laid..still need to seal the stones, put in shower doors, fixtures, etc etc.
Here's a look at the almost completed shower that I designed:

and a sketch that I drew out for the placement of the vanities:

The pool has started to come back to life, now that it has been completely resurfaced, tiled, and filled.  No more green swamp! yay!  :)
 All it needs now is a nice new deck surface surrounding it to replace the icky pinky cement paint color...

This weekend is when the vision really started to come to life.  Finally...What I've been waiting for since I stepped foot into this house... new paint and new wood floors!!

We chose a soft light gray from sherwin williams called 'Ice Cube' for the majority of the house.

Then we chose an accent color called 'Foggy Day' to go on the fireplace wall and in the entry to our master bedroom... and for one more pop of color we went with a deep teal/blue called 'Amalfi' for the wall that will be at the head of our bed. The entry to the master has been revamped as well, we took the door off where it used to be and made a private little entry way to make it feel more like a master bedroom.  I think it made a huge difference!  

The carrera marble tile at the base of the fireplace is also new... we are thrilled with how it came out.  All the window sills in the house are carrera marble so I thought it would be nice to tie it in here.  Love it against the new dark bamboo and the gray accent wall!

That's about it for now, we are hoping that the newly painted kitchen cabinets will be going back in on wednesday. Once those are in it will mostly be final touches before we can start moving our stuff over there! 
Actually we have already started that process ... I was fortunate enough to have my mom come down to visit this past week to help me begin the packing stage.  She did such an amazing job and really got us off to a great start... I don't know what I would have done without her! Thanks mama! xoxo

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